Spring is a magical season, where nature awakens and dresses in vibrant colors. In Messina, this season, with its fresh, gradually lengthening days, and the sun becoming more prominent, offers a unique opportunity to explore hidden places and lesser-known monuments, and to participate in cultural and religious events.
Spring FAI Days
On the occasion of the Spring Days organized by the FAI (Italian Environmental Fund), it will be possible to discover some gems of the city.
The FAI Delegation of Messina organizes guided tours to historical sites and monuments of great interest such as Santa Maria della Valle, Badiazza, Forte Gonzaga, Forte Castellaccio, Forte San Salvatore, the Lantern of Montorsoli, the Real Cittadella, the Crypt of the Cathedral, and Villa Pace. These places, often forgotten, tell the story of Messina and deserve to be rediscovered.
Discover the places to visit in Messina this spring on the official FAI website.
Easter and local traditions
And in the heart of spring, there is Easter.
Easter is always a special time in Messina, when the city comes alive with religious festivities, age-old traditions, and a vibrant atmosphere.
During Easter, one of the most beloved traditions in Messina is the Procession of the "Barette." These groupings of statues, carried on the shoulders of the faithful, depict scenes from the Passion of Christ. The "Barette" are an artistic and cultural heritage of the city and a symbol of faith and devotion. During the procession, marching bands and typical characters, such as the "Babbaluci," "Maddalene," "Biancuzze," and "Tamburini," move through the streets, creating an engaging and evocative atmosphere.
This year, on March 31st, there will be the traveling Via Crucis starting from the church "Nuovo Oratorio della Pace" on via XXIV Maggio and concluding at the Montevergine Monastery. This moment of prayer and reflection through the city streets is a way to commemorate the Passion of Christ and involve the community.
During Holy Week, Messina also hosts a series of religious events, including the "Messa in Coena Domini" and Eucharistic adoration until midnight on April 6th. Churches and monasteries open their doors to welcome the faithful and celebrate together. It's a moment of spirituality and sharing that involves the whole city.
In conclusion, in spring, the city prepares to bloom and offer its residents and visitors a variety of unique experiences. Whether you're interested in history, climate, or events, Messina has something to offer everyone, and Le Stanze is ready to welcome you.